Introducing Charlotte Wensley – Bluethumb Artist

Charlotte Wensley is a Queensland artist displaying a range of wonderful acrylic, oil and mixed media artworks on bluethumb.

Her most recent work is At the Water’s Edge, inspired by her childhood memories of growing up on a farm in the Vale of York in England – a farmhouse on a 300 acre property with a beautiful duck pond which she describes as “a pure oasis of physical and emotional freedom”.  Sounds like a perfect fairytale to us!

Charlotte lives on the Sunshine Coast with her husband and 4-year old daughter, and together they run a market stall selling calamari at the famous Eumundi markets.  This allows Charlotte quality time to work on her art, and she also turns it into quality time with her daughter, who also has the creative gene!  They spend hours painting and drawing together and she says that Harriet’s lines of inquiry often inform her own, resulting in the fascinating artworks she is creating.

Currently, her works are influenced by contemplating and revisiting her past experiences and the emotional responses she has to them.  She wants to fully explore the important and defining moments throughout her early life, and immortalise them in a visual sense.

Charlotte’s 5-year goal is to have had at least one solo exhibition, and then to be squashed into a purpose-built travel truck with her family, off on a huge adventure to explore the world, giving her precious time with her family, as well as the time and space to absorb new experiences and explore new influences on her work.

Charlotte strongly believes that all artists are heroes.  She says “The commitment to observe, investigate, react and create is inherent in all creative people and that is a human quality which I very much admire.”

We certainly agree.  Check out Charlotte’s profile!

At The Water's Edge