Introducing Jane Welsh – Bluethumb Artist

Jane Welsh has been a passionate artist for 8 years.  Years prior, Jane had a career as a dietician/nutritionist, but says that she just knew in her bones and soul that she was an artist, and took the plunge eight years ago to support herself from her art alone.

She spent many busy years creating many commissioned portraits, and balancing these with more free abstracts and some sumptuous nudes.

After having kids, less available time saw the balance shift to commissions alone to keep the money coming in.  In 2009, she broke free from her lists of commissions and got back to experimenting with colour to create vibrant paintings with a landscape feel.  Since this transition, Jane has created her Bloom Series of works (see them on bluethumb!) and has gotten back to her first love – sculpture – creating her Melody and Unity series.

Most recently, she has started working on some languid nudes – females and couples, and has just photographed three models for material to work from.

She hopes to adorn people’s bedroom walls with her works to imbue a mood of relaxation and joy.

Jane Welsh lives in the country in the Noosa Hinterland of Queensland, and loves being surrounded by nature and her permaculture garden.   She works out of a spacious new studio, with half the week fully devoted to her art career.

When asked what influences her work right now, she says “I create for beauty.  I believe our intrinsic appreciation of beauty, our emotional reaction to it (like the “Ahhhhh” we feel when we look into a sunset) is so precious in our society of busy (even stressful) minds and bodies. I want my art to reach out into the world and help people to feel good, whether it’s the relaxed mood of my nudes, or the vibrant blossoming of my Bloom Series.”

Check out Jane’s profile!

Umber Dream by Jane Welsh