What Makes an Artist: Jason Moad – When the Gloves Come Off…

Jason Moad’s artistic and thematic influence comes from the unease of the legacy of modern media, CDs, DVDs, books and a value for the medium that is not entirely digital as evidenced by his work and our cover photo, No Batteries Required. It’s kind of saying that buying a kindle makes all these lovely old paperbacks extinct. His paintings are a celebration of vision and not the medium, the medium comes after. He prefers to indulge the connoisseurs of art in his own definition of realism. “I’m not trying to be photographic. I want the medium to become invisible,” explains Jason.

Jason Moad's Studio

Jason contemplating his favourite artworks

Jason works almost exclusively with oil on linen. He identifies with subtle sensuality and depth which is a product of good quality oil paint. He uses Liquin, an alkyd medium that speeds drying and imparts a satiny finish. The challenge of working with this medium, however, is this product is really toxic so he needs to protect his assets. “I’ve been painting in gloves for years.”
But, when the gloves come off… Jason needs the distraction. He finds it impossible to paint for long hours holed up in a room without music, radio, podcasts and anything that doesn’t clash with his visual and introspective process of work.

Silver Jet

Jason Moad’s ongoing series featuring kids rides


Come Back Haunted

Come Back Haunted – Jason Moad Artwork

“I like a lot of abstract painting, but as a rule I’ve always gravitated towards realists”, says Jason. One of his most moving experiences with art was in the Rothko room at Tate Modern.

Rothko at Tate Modern

Rothko Room at Tate Modern

A Rothko Room at Tate Modern

He clarifies that realism for its own sake is a bit boring. It should also have something to say. He is a huge follower of Louise Hearman. “I love the visionary, uncanny element of her work. I wish my work had more of that element!” exclaims Jason.

Louise Hearman at Tolarno Galleries

Louise Hearman’s artwork, Tolarno Galleries

Jason Moad likes working from home, enjoys indulging the demands of his cat, and loves the fact that he can hear his costume designer wife working on her latest creations from across the house.

Buy Jason Moad’s art online here.

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Created With Care – Artists and Makers Unite for Charity

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