Meet Bluethumb’s Best Seller Sophie Lawrence

We first met Sophie Lawrence in 2019 when she joined Bluethumb, and it seems that the Bluethumb collector audience and Sophie’s uplifting art were a match made in heaven. Since her Bluethumb beginnings in 2019, Sophie has gone from strength to strength – even through a tough COVID period – and topped the Top Sellers List in 2020 and 2021. Sophie achieved this through the popularity of her vibrantly coloured and distinctively patterned artwork that makes any living space a delight to enter.

Tangle Wood by Sophie Lawrence.

Tangle Wood by Sophie Lawrence.

We’ve previously covered the styles that Sophie uses to create her fascinating artwork, but two years on from our original interview we wanted to talk about the evolution of her art and the changes she’s seen in the Australian art landscape.

The Paintings of Dreams

Sophie sheepishly admitted to us that, as cliche as it sounds, her best ideas come from dreams at 3am in the morning. Some of us dream of the day we’ve just had at work or an embarrassing moment at high school, but Sophie is dreaming up her next painting.

Tall Poppy by Sophie Lawrence.

Tall Poppy by Sophie Lawrence.

For those working at Bluethumb HQ, the evolution of Sophie’s art has been a joy to observe. “I never stop thinking of ways a painting can be improved and often something that I’ve started in the studio just gets better and better throughout the week. Very few of my paintings ever are finished in my head.”

Sophie Lawrence’s Growth During COVID

It’s not just Sophie’s paintings and style that have changed over the years, but also the tastes of Bluethumb collectors, especially during the COVID pandemic. “I think a lot of my buyers have enjoyed the journey with me during COVID. I was painting very bright, happy paintings that sold very well, unsurprisingly. I think it was the comfort of paintings like the native beaches and farms of Australia. People needed to look at their walls and see something they could identify, and smile at while being locked inside. Those paintings are still popular, but I am starting to see a big swing towards texture and more muted colours, as the ‘home renovation juggernaut’ takes another big drive towards the art market,” Sophie reveals.

WIsh You Were Here by Sophie.

WIsh You Were Here by Sophie Lawrence.

Despite the calm and tranquil tones of a lot of her paintings, Sophie puts a lot of hard word and sweat behind the scenes. “I am totally driven! I get up at 5 am and start painting. I paint all day, 7 days a week and stop at 6 pm for tea. It’s not a job that you have to do every day – it’s a vocation. It’s a lot of work but I love it! Sometimes I have plays on while painting, but most of the time it’s just me lost in the work. To maintain my high quality of work, I keep changing what I’m painting. The bay view and olive grove farms take a lot of attention and careful painting, as well as a different approach and mindset. Painting a homestead’s large textured landscape is like icing a cake – slip slap slop! Nice big thick blobs of paint. Then with the trees I’m building a colour wall of shade. So, when I can’t take another beach, I simply change what I’m doing.”

A painting of White Night Hydrangeas.

White Night Hydrangea by Sophie Lawrence.

Art isn’t simply created for the enjoyment of others in their homes, art can be created simply to exist and for the artist’s own satisfaction. Sophie finds great enjoyment in the creation: turning a vision, an idea, or even a dream into a reality. Following that, there is, of course, a sale – a validation of her skills and ideas. “For me, a sale is someone saying ‘you’re right, it works!’ and that’s the pure cycle of working with Bluethumb: it allows a lot of people to see what I do and confirms that my obsession with ice cream vans and hydrangeas was worth it!”

So, what’s next with the proliferate Sophie Lawrence?

“Well, I’ve had this dream about caravans! I expect the beaches will get brighter and bolder. I always say I want the buyer to be able to smell the hot chips when they see the beach painting. The landscapes and trees have come together and the collections of flowers will become more tropical. And potentially, I might paint local sporting legends!”

Listing all the exciting ideas she has in her head for the future, Sophie exclaims, “That’s enough for now… I can feel my brain about to explode!”

A painting of three yellow orchids.

Three Orchids (Yellow) by Sophie Lawrence.

Thank you Sophie for your time. Your vibrant personality is a splendid addition to the growing art world in Australia! 

Want to see more of the world in patterns? View our latest curation inspired by pattern here. 

Bluethumb Art Prize 2022 Winners Just Announced!


  1. Tania says:

    Sophie is an absolute inspiration. Her work ethic is amazing and it’s no wonder she is the top-seller!

  2. She is a legend. I love her work 💙💙💙

  3. Her work is amazing.

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