Collectable art for under $250

Hey hey Art Lovers,

In previous posts I have talked about collecting art, and collecting art because you LOVE it. Whilst collecting art sounds very spendy, it doesn’t have to be. Bluethumb has a whole section dedicated to works under $250. They vary in size, colours, mood and mediums…something for everyone . 🙂 We’ve taken the chance to interview one of our successful artists who sells works in this price range, Benjamin Eckersley.

Benjamin Eckersley is a 38 year old artist living in Bellingen, NSW. A stay at home dad by day, Ben is trying to focus more on his art. Ben grew up in Lismore (the Northern Rivers of NSW).  Ben studied Grapic Design and worked in Sydney before moving to Brisbane to follow a music career with his younger brother in their band, ‘The Wells.’ Playing at such festivals as The Woodford Folk Festival, Vallet Fiesta & Greenfest and releasing two EPs, they enjoyed a moderate amount of success before Ben decided he needed to focus on his art once more. It has been a long time between brush strokes for this Brisbane artist but the fires still burn and the art is still flowing…

Q): So Ben… out of pure curiosity- who is the bearded man in your pieces?

A): I honestly don’t know, I guess the most logical explanation is me. I really enjoy throwing as many interesting ‘props’ onto a face as possible (glasses, beards, hairy ears etc)… Many of the Bearded Men series are bald and I think this is a way of dealing with my own receding hairline!

Q): Whats your favourite medium to work with and why?

A): My favourite medium is ink but in the last few years I have incorporated acrylic to help with larger blocks of colour and to give the work more depth.

Q): Where do you draw your inspiration from?

A): My inspiration comes from a basic desire to paint and draw, something internal I guess. I am not one of those artists that likes to paint their surroundings. I am quite happy sitting in a small dank room and just going with whatever I feel like

Q): Who is your favourite Australian Artist?

A): Fred Cress without a doubt, Imants Tillers and John Olsen… oh And Rosalie Gascoigne because she’s awesome!

Check out some of bluethumbs other Art for under $250 below 🙂






Rone Interview 2014

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