Easy Strategies to Find Art You Love
When it comes to collecting art, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to begin and the experience can feel a little overwhelming. We strongly believe that choosing art for your walls should be a labour of love, so we’ve laid out a list of strategies to ensure the process is completely stress-free!
1. Seek Work by a Specific Artist
One strategy to find pieces you love is to follow a particular artist. Artists tend to work within signature styles, so if you find an artist you like, you may find yourself falling in love with several of their pieces. Of course, this isn’t always true – an artists’ style might change hugely over time, from piece to piece or series to series – however, it’s a good place to start. It can also be very rewarding to follow an artist’s career, and watch their work change and grow.

At just the beginning of her career, Kim Hyunji is already producing stunning work. What do you think she’ll do next?
2. Collect Around a Common Theme
Collecting art by theme might not be something you consciously pursue, but rather something that happens naturally as you gravitate towards certain subjects. Either way, collecting art according to its subject matter means you end up with a meaningful, cohesive collection. Searching for art by theme is easy on Bluethumb – you can search via collections such as ‘Outback’ or use the key word search to hunt for more specific areas.

Got a passion for bikes? This collector certainly does! Artwork: Bike Against a Fence by Matthew Broughton.
3. Store Memories on the Wall
Sometimes, a piece of art might remind you of a particular memory, or a period of your life. Perhaps it depicts a place that you’ve been to, represents your first real purchase after moving out of home or just has something about it that you can’t quite put your finger on. Whatever the reason, collecting works as souvenirs is a subtle and beautiful way to keep those memories close at hand.

Ready… Set… by Claire McCall. A lovely, nostalgic piece that many people could relate to.
4. Find a Middle Ground in Taste
Reaching a point in life when possessions are ceasing to be ‘mine’ and becoming ‘ours’ instead? Choosing art with someone else can be tricky if your taste isn’t similar, however it does mean that finding the perfect piece is all the more satisfying. You might even end up with something you really love, but never would have chosen for yourself. Don’t forget, we’ve also got a fantastic team of curatorial staff on hand if you need a neutral party – no matter how contrasting your preferences, we’ll make sure you find something you love.

Everyone has their own interpretation of art – the trick is finding something that all parties can appreciate! Photo: Bluethumb Photography Exhibition, shot by Agatha Aurelia.
5. Buy Because You Love It
Finally, we couldn’t skip over the best strategy of all – buying art because you love it! At the end of the day, you’re the one who has to live with an artwork day in and day out, so regardless of whether it goes with the rest of your furniture or whether it’s by a well-known artist, your opinion is the only one that matters. By the way, feel free to get in touch if you’ve fallen for a piece – we can always help you put it on lay-by.

Did you know that art dog Grungle is an avid collector? He’s got works by some of our best artists and Indigenous art centres, including Kim Leutwyler, Jac Clark and Tjarlirli Art.