Ghost Patrolled. An Interview with One of the Best.
David Booth, better known as Ghost Patrol, is a key creative in the Australian contemporary art scene. Born in Hobart, now living in Melbourne, he’s built an international reputation from his large scale murals and pastie street art. He’s also a renowned illustrator, painter, sculptor and installation artist. Loved by so many, his characters have an inviting, fun energy about them. He ‘s inspired by the cosmos, science and the future of the the universe, and we at bluethumb are thrilled we got to ask him some questions this week.
How long does it take to complete a mural from start to beginning, and what’s your favourite part of the process?
Every mural tends to be different – depending on size and materials I’m using. Sometimes I work with other artist or assistants. I like that it’s always different. I like zoning out and spending all day stretching my arms out on a wall.

GP working on his mural, a part of his ‘Horse Sword’ exhibition at Koskela in Sydney.
Which mural you have created is the most memorable?
I recently just finished painting my 2nd wind turbine. They are amazing challenges but very rewarding, a great opportunity.

A work in progress shot of GP’s turbine art at Hepburn Spring Wind Farm.
Who is your favourite Australian artist, or who inspires you most? And why?
I’m really lucky to be surrounded by close friends that inspire me in Australia. My favourites are: Simon Hanselman (girl mountain), Tristan Jalleh, Twoone, Andre Piguet, Stanislava Pinchuk (miso).
We also love your illustration works and paintings…Where do you draw your inspiration from?
All kinds of things, just processing all the things i’ve experienced from my early life until now. I’m lucky en ought to spend a lot of time traveling and over the past few years i’ve spend a lot of time in tokyo. I like to read about science and learning about australian indigenous culture.
What’s your favourite medium? Why?
I like to change around mediums and experiment – it keeps me on my toes. At the moment i’m enjoying working with watercolour.
The characters you draw are so approachable and instantly loveable. Because of this they can be powerful and influential. If you could use them to send one message to the world…what would you say?
Ooh, that sounds like so much pressure, I’m not sure what I could say. Maybe, PEACE.
I understand you are also an installation artist! Jack of all trades. I’ve read your recent exhibition: ‘Yamanoie’ was based on some time you spent in Tokyo. Travel and learning about new cultures must be very inspiring. We love how you drew such creative inspiration from the rearrangement of everyday scenes in Tokyo.Do you have an adventure planned for the near future? If so where? Or if not where are some places you haven’t been you think would inspire you?
Yes i’m lucky enough to spend 3 months every year traveling -I don’t want to spoil the surprise of where i’m heading next year. I’m very keen to return to Japan and keen to get to the forests of California.
Below are some photo’s from Ghost Patrol’s recent trip to Japan. He traveled with the ’81 bastards’ crew (in which he is a member of) to Kakegawa to help the local community paint sails for some traditional boats.

Check out more on his Tumblr!
And now some wise words for you emerging artists out there…
As a self-taught artist, do you have any words of advice for aspiring artists/illustrators?
Draw everyday and surround yourself with inspiring people. Don’t worry about career or the internet, find out what makes you happy.
Check out his blog for regular updates on his activity in and alllll around the worlds.
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