October 25, 2023


The project, entitled "Hummingbirds," is an ambitious photographic exploration that seeks to capture the breathtaking beauty, vibrant colours, and dynamic energy of hummingbirds found in the lush landscapes of Costa Rica and Ecuador. This visual journey aims to spotlight these tiny avian marvels as they navigate their habitats, offering a fascinating perspective on bird behaviour and biodiversity.

"Hummingbirds" is rooted in rigorous academic research, drawing upon extensive field studies and ornithological literature to represent the diverse species of hummingbirds thoughtfully. The project was conducted over several trips and involved traversing various ecosystems, from the high-altitude Andean landscapes of Ecuador to the lowland tropical rainforests of Costa Rica.

The photographic series celebrates nature's intricate beauty, capturing the hummingbirds in their natural environments - hovering in mid-air, darting between flowers, or simply resting on a branch. Each photograph in the series serves as a testament to the astonishing adaptability and resilience of these creatures while also highlighting the urgent need for their conservation.

In line with the fine art tone, the photographs are not just scientific records but artistic expressions, showcasing the aesthetics of movement, the play of light on iridescent feathers, and the contrasts between the birds and their surroundings. The series employs a range of techniques, from macro photography for detailed close-ups to high-speed photography for capturing the rapid wing movements, thereby providing an immersive visual experience.

"Hummingbirds" is not merely a project; it is an ode to these extraordinary birds, reflecting an intersection of art, science, and environmental awareness. Through this photographic series, viewers are invited to marvel at the diversity and beauty of hummingbirds, engendering a deeper appreciation for our natural world and the critical importance of its preservation.

Created by John Wiseman