Love Song of The Moth People
First sunlight of morn
Last sliver at night
Each moment between
Thoughts only of you
My convict eyes
Peaceful they be
In the prison of your light
Held tight in my hands
Can I not get enough
Take my eyes off of you
Stare for hours on end
As a lover besot
This moth one of billions
Hypnotic your glow
To the cities we swarm
Your warm screen my bed
Less touch more molest
For I can’t put you down
Your touch is divine
Without naked I be
Your life in my hands
And you have mine
For its you that I watch
With a smile on my face
How my life does depend
On you closest friend
As I stray ‘cross the road
Dangers be damned
Congenital twin
Born out a pipe
Factory or fanny
Matters not how we’re born
For today we are one
Inseparable joy
I feel when with you
My dearest, my phone
Lifelong joined at the hand
Be it walk down the street
Or I sit for a sheet
A tragedy not
For together we are
Lovers eternal
O light of my life
In love forsaking
All others around
For you are my whore
Whom I’ll always cough up
more money to touch
But then you’re shagging me
My brain moulded sponge
Tuned into your shine
In turn turns me on
Tucked in my pocket
My arse doth keep warm
But what’s money in love?
Even death we’ll not part
I swear beyond then
You’ll still glow in my hand
Stink we both will
In the grave rust and rot
For I’ll always be true
And forever yours truly,
Your digital slave.