"Rebellion" is the third captivating piece in the artist's latest abstract series titled "Individual." This series explores the fundamental human experience of conforming to societal norms, the disruption of major life events on one's sense of self, and the ultimate act of rebellion against expectations.
"Rebellion" follows "Conformity," which delves into the inner struggle between authenticity and societal conformity, and "Disruption," which delves into the impact of life-changing events on one's identity and perspective. "Rebellion" represents the bold defiance of prescribed roles and expectations, celebrating individuality and the ever-evolving self.
The painting boasts a vibrant colour palette featuring rich dark and light blues, greens, oranges, earthy yellows, and teal, accentuated by metallic bronze and gold highlights. The washed blue background and sides create a harmonious backdrop for the dynamic composition.
Measuring 50.8 x 76.2 x 3.8 cm, this professional acrylic on canvas piece is a striking addition to any art collection. It comes triple glazed and is ready to hang. Furthermore, the artist has thoughtfully added a horizontal wire for flexible display options, allowing you to choose the orientation that best suits your space.
This artwork encapsulates the spirit of individuality and self-expression, making it a compelling choice for art enthusiasts looking to celebrate the beauty of rebellion and personal growth.