Indigenous Australian culture believes the Dingo to be a mythical creature and it is woven into their "Dreamtime" Dingo's were once used as a hunting aid, for warmth, a living hot water bottle & protection. The dingo was also used to help find water.
The dingo is depicted trotting through water almost walking out of the painting.
Even though it is listed as an endangered species it is allowed to be hunted, trapped & killed. They are an apex predator and are important for keeping the natural balance of our wildlife, they prey on feral animal helping with the survival of our native species.
Whilst painting my Dingo series I kept seeing Dingo's whilst I was out camping or as a pet dog being walked on the beach, or meeting people who were involved with them.
Dingo Soak was painted in a limited palette of Pyrroll Orange, Viridian Green, Dioxazine Purple & Cerulean blue.