Andrea Moser is a visual storyteller who uses the power of the visual image to ignite imaginations, evoke emotions and capture universal cultural truths and aspirations.
Andrea grew up in Europe and moved as an adult to Australia. The experience of two cultures made her realise that perspectives and meanings have evolved based on our cultural background, experiences, beliefs and values. She is intrigued by these differences and uses them for inspiration in her art. Her art questions the common meaning, exposes cultural bias and plays with possible meanings. With this in mind, she creates iconic works which encourage discussion and get us to think about the content. In her paintings, the viewer discovers multiple perspectives and interpretations of a theme. This is an opportunity for the viewer to self-reflect and contemplates their relationship with the theme. The viewer can then compare it with the perspective other people might have. Andrea aims to grow mutual understanding and respect for different perspectives and opinions. This is what tolerance and diversity mean for her.
The 2000-year-old encaustic medium is her chosen paint medium. It is the first known medium to humankind to bind pigments with a binder for paint. She likes the idea to bring new life into an ancient technique and bringing it into the 21st century with modern techniques and materials.
Andrea’s art depicts diverse themes such as fauna and flora, fashion and luxury items, food and drink. The common thread between these themes is that they have diverse meanings or symbolic values and different people have different relationships to these themes.