Untitled (14) by Anthony J. Walker - features a unique view from Wategos Beach at sunset, looking toward Cavanbah (Byron Bay) through the casuarina and pandanus.
Anthony J. Walker is an award-winning Aboriginal artist from the Yiman, Ghungalu and Gurreng Gurreng peoples of Central Queensland.
This artwork is part of Walker's Cavanbah series, sharing the First Nations artist's personal impression of the Country he has lived on for the past thirty years: Arakwal Country, Bundjalung Nation.
The artwork explores Walker's profound connection to the environment. Centered around the theme of "caring for Country", Walker's vibrant paintings invite viewers to consider their own relationship with the land, sea, and waterways.
By weaving traditional First Nations iconography, inspired by patterns on message sticks, with a figurative depiction of Byron Bay's recognisable shoreline, this artwork challenges the historical narrative of landscape painting. Walker reclaims the genre from its colonial origins—when it served as a tool for mapping and invasion—and transforms it into a powerful medium for reconnecting to Country.
Ready to hang. The 4cm deep sides are painted blue.
Original artwork.