Intuitive mixed media Artist with a love of all things ocean & tropics orientated. My studio is currently located in Townsville, North Queensland. Having a family that loved fishing from an early age instilled a love and respect of the ocean that runs deep.... Leading me passionately forward, to want too preserve it for future generations.
Drawing came early in life and I only discovered painting approximately eleven years ago, whilst attending a Tafe course within my community, then a new love was born. Casually painting, selling & attending various different workshops. Covering pastels, watercolors, acrylics, plus pencil & charcoal.
I have a more Impressionistic approach to my backgrounds, that contain my own symbolism and patterns that I've used from the moment I started ..... However the main subject of the painting is usually slightly more realistic, as I'm drawn to certain animals and plants because of their repetitive patterns and textures.
I predominately use Dervian Mattisse flow paints in my paintings. Currently I'm working with acrylics, alcohol inks and resin, all in the one painting.
Which has lead me down a path of new visions and inspiration for future paintings to come.
I have cherished the earlier opportunities art has brought into my life and feel blessed to have had the workshop opportunities, with some wonderful International Artists.
I have also been fortunate enough to be published in the Artist Palette Magazine in 2013.
So it's time to continue this love of mine.