I was born and educated in Wagga Wagga and developed a passion for drawing at an early age. Although I love to paint landscape en plein air,I am primarily a studio painter,using acrylics and mixed media in a contemporary style. My work is informed by regular sketching and life drawing. I took up painting over 30 years ago after my children started school,relishing in the freedom to explore that medium, participating in many weekend workshops and TAFE courses. Some of the tutors being Merve Moriarty, John Caldwell, Judith White, Colina Grant, Jim Kinch, a highlight was a painting tour in Italy with John Lovett!
My inspiration comes from surrounding countryside,viewing major exhibitions in local and city galleries, especially work by well known Australian contemporary artists.
I enjoy painting in acrylics and mixed media, usual subjects being figures, still life,flowers and landscapes.