Madeline Ryan: A Journey Through Colours and Textures

As part of a recent Artist in Action at Bluethumb’s Richmond-based gallery, we sat down with Madeline Ryan, an emerging artist gaining popularity in Melbourne’s bustling abstract art scene. Continue reading to learn about Madeline’s journey into the world of art, fueled by passion, perseverance, and a deep-rooted connection to her craft.

Madeline Ryan painting during a recent Artist in Action.

Madeline Ryan is pictured in Bluethumb’s Richmond-based gallery.

Spark of Creativity

Madeline’s artistic exploration began in her childhood when the seeds of creativity were sown. “My earliest memory of art is as a young girl painting a watercolour scene for my mum,” Madeline reminisces, describing a tender moment of artistic expression that would blossom into a lifelong passion.

Growing up surrounded by her mother’s art books and encyclopedias, she discovered the works of renowned abstract artists such as Yia Kusuma, Rothko, and Polok, drawn to their mastery of colour. Despite her mother’s encouragement to pursue a degree in fine art, Madeline never dreamed of becoming an artist, but it was a calling she couldn’t ignore.

Madeline Ryan hand-piping paint onto canvas.

The Cosmos series features precise, multidirectional hand-piping that catches the light and creates visual movement.

The Path to Expression

Despite a brief hiatus after her school years, Madeline’s artistic spirit never waned, lingering beneath the surface until it found its way back to the forefront of her life. “I would see other artists and look at what they were doing, and I’d be like, I really want to be doing that,” she muses.

“Deep down, if you’re called to something when you see other people do it, it lights up a fire in you,” she says, acknowledging the undeniable pull of artistic expression. “It was always there, but I think I just silenced it; once the floodgates opened, it just poured out.”

Madeline shows off her mini Colour Wave works created during the recent Artist in Action.

Madeline shows off her mini Colour Wave works created during the recent Artist in Action.

A Brush with Fate

Madeline’s move to Melbourne proved pivotal in her artistic journey, aligning her with a city teeming with artistic vibrancy and endless opportunities. “It was just the day before I left that I got an email from Conor [Bluethumb’s Melbourne Gallery Manager] inviting me to do The Next Wave and the Bluethumb X Southern Buoy 40 x 40 exhibitions,” says Madeline. Talk about serendipity!

The Bluthumb X Southern Buoy exhibition opens in Melbourne and Adelaide this Thursday, May 2nd. Click here to reserve your free tickets—hurry; there is limited space left!

Madeline Ryan's palette.

The artist’s palette is a masterpiece in its own right.

Throughout her artistic evolution, Madeline’s style has transformed. “I experimented with charcoal and drawings, a little bit of abstract, a lot of figurative paintings, watercolours, oil pastels, anything and everything,” she reflects, illustrating her eclectic journey of exploration and self-discovery.

For Madeline, the journey of art is not merely about creation but also about connection—the bond forged between artist and audience, creator and observer. “If you want to grow, you can’t hold on to things and collect them all for yourself,” she reflects, emphasising the cyclical nature of creativity and the joy of sharing her creations with the world.

Madeline Ryans's Colour Wave and Cosmos series.

It was the allure of colour, light, and dimension that led Madeline to embrace the abstract textured style, infusing her works with depth and movement.

Madeline’s Key to Authentic Expression

Madeline’s advice to aspiring artists is simple yet profound: keep creating. “Make as much as you can,” she urges, emphasising the importance of consistent effort. “Keep uploading; don’t be disheartened. Just put it out there.”

Above all, Madeline stresses the significance of self-belief. “Believe in yourself. Believe in what you’re making,” she asserts, recognising that genuine passion resonates with others. “If you like it, other people will like it,” she affirms, underscoring the importance of creating art for yourself above all else.

Madeline Ryan's joy infuses every canvas.

Madeline’s joy infuses every canvas.

The Next Chapter

As Madeline continues her artistic journey, her mother stands proudly by her side, a beacon of unwavering support and admiration. Later this year, Madeline will showcase her work at the Melbourne Affordable Art Fair with Bluethumb. The excitement surrounding this event is palpable, leaving us to wonder: who is more thrilled about the opportunity, the artist herself or her devoted mother?

Looking ahead, Madeline aims to develop her captivating “Colour Wave” series and mesmerising “Cosmos” collection. She also envisions a future brimming with large-scale textured creations and hopes to find a shared studio space, liberating her home from its current role as a makeshift studio. Although she says, “It’s great living immersed in my art because it just keeps the fire going.”

Shop Madeline Ryan’s wishlist by checking out this week’s curation, where you’ll discover a personally hand-picked selection of her favourite works on Bluethumb. 

Bluethumb X Southern Buoy: 40 x 40 Exhibition Opening

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