In an attempt to speculate and provide foresight into the way humans will live in the future, the anatomical fragments in my paintings live in a liminal non-space, agnostic of time or place. This transitional state is deliberately marked by ambiguous diffused backgrounds of colour and texture and juxtaposed with incomprehensible projections of shadows and light sources. Due to rapid technological acceleration, a prediction can be made that in the distant future, we will perhaps be merely by-products of scientific advancements manifested in a liminal space that is neither an enclosed space nor is it an infinite illusionary realm. One can say that it could potentially be a hybrid of both.
Movement is also a core theme I try to induce in the subject of my paintings — the arm is about to twist, weight starting to shift, the next reaction of the body about to come to life. By reducing the background of each work to an unrecognisable context, the movement of the body and subject on a two-dimensional lane is emphasised.