A cosmic journey into the depths of the subconscious with "Somnium," a mesmerising portrayal of the boundless realms of the dreamworld. At its centre, a majestic jaguar reclines upon a teal-hued planet, suspended in the infinite expanse of dark space.
The jaguar, adorned with intricate tattoos of symbolic iconography, becomes a conduit for exploring profound spiritual and philosophical concepts. Each mark tells a story, weaving a tapestry of meaning that transcends the boundaries of time and space.
Inspired by the themes within Carl Sagan's seminal work, "Cosmos," "Somnium" is born from the artist's own nocturnal wanderings, a dream ignited by the cosmic revelations found within the pages of Sagan's book.
Viewers are transported to a realm where imagination and reality intertwine, inviting contemplation on the mysteries of the universe and the enigmatic nature of the human psyche. "Somnium" serves as a testament to the power of dreams to illuminate the deepest recesses of our souls, offering a glimpse into the wondrous possibilities that lie beyond the veil of consciousness.