Fire is a transitory force of nature that is associated with strength and the purification of life through the act of consumption or death for renewal. It is the most significant technology that can be traced back through the history of humanity, transforming our primitive lives.
Fire is a life source that has travelled side by side through humanities social and religious development providing warmth for our bodies, giving light in the darkness, and detracting predators with its transformative powers when coming into contact with more physical material.
The dichotomy of fire is about passion, life-giving, anger, and life-taking. It can be the spark of creation evoking feelings of safety, warmth, and comfort or one of devastation inducing fear and loss. Fire is transient, lacking physical existence but always present influencing our past, present, and future lives.
I print all my own photographs which maintains quality control on archival Canson Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm, if you require a different paper stock (eg Matte), please contact me for further details.