Been painting, drawing and making things since I could hold a crayon and make a mark.
Studied Fashion Design @ RMIT and then went to NewYork (yes, the USA one) to study Illustration.
Worked as a Fashion Illustrator FOR YEARS.
Started a business with my neighbour in 1997, "TukTuk 100% Horse" designing and making clothing for equestrians who want to look better than Princess Anne. We ended up owning worldwide Trademarks, distributing throughout Australia, the UK.
I was in the Kinglake the day of the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009. Everything changed. I lost my community, my home, eventually my marriage folded, property sold, and in 2012 I lost TukTuk (can't run a business with PTSD apparently). Went mad.
Over the next 7 or so years I recovered by painting and making things...just like when I was a kid.
I have over 50 works held in the permanent collection of the Dax Museum @ Melbourne Uni.
I have work in the permanent collection of MAMA in Albury - where I had a solo show in 2018.
I work from my Wodonga studio now.
If you're in the area, drop me a line and arrange a studio visit.