Dazzling Glaciers and Crystal Snowflakes, I hear waterfalls, birds, and winds sing when I create. I'll interpret the rocks and learn the language of flood, storm, and the mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside. I'll teach myself to be around the glaciers and wild gardens of my imagination and get as close as possible to capture your heart to synchronise with me to live, love nature and admire the beauty around us.
Let this artwork remind the viewers of ' Zen and Relax' with the beauty around us.
Suitable for any room i.e. #Living_Room #Hallway #Formal #Study #Stairway #Dining
as a Single Round or Coupled with #Melting Glaziers-102 (Round).
Or as a Complete Set that I created to match each other. (#Melting Glaziers-103 (Rectangular)