Perth and WA Artists

Browse a selection of local artists, both emerging and award-winning from all over Western Australia. These artists can be found in the city centre of Perth, along the coast near Broome or in the most remote Indigenous art centres in the Gibson Desert. WA has no shortage of painters and printmakers, creating everything from abstract art to Aboriginal art. Shop locally and support artists from your area.

Curated by Megan George

76cm (W) x 51cm (H)


150cm (W) x 100cm (H)


100cm (W) x 56cm (H)


About the Curator

Megan George

Megan is the Content & Creative Manager at Bluethumb, working across our social media, digital marketing and creative production.
Melbourne born and bred, her days at Bluethumb are filled with many coffees, cuddles from the resident canine companions and of course, constantly adding to her burgeoning art collection.

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