Ross Morgan - Wonder Dogs

Ross is a born storyteller, artist, author and illustrator. Fascinated with the visual narrative and a love for developing characters, stories, and settings, Ross brings words to life with his artworks. Ross won the John Shaw Neilson Acquisitive Art Prize in 2015, was selected as a semi-finalist in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize in 2014, is a three-time finalist in the Kennedy Art Prize in 2017, 2018 and 2021, and a four-time Bluethumb Art Prize finalist.

Curated by Rachel Fisher

About the Curator

Rachel Fisher

Rachel is our Adelaide gallery manager, and curator. With a bachelors in arts and media and recently studying her masters in curatorial and museum studies, she has curated numerous exhibitions that celebrate diverse artistic voices. Rachel believes in the magic of art to spark conversations, challenge perspectives, and bring people together. Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the gallery scene, Rachel's goal is to make art accessible to all.

Recent Curations