The Portrait

Since the early Renaissance portraiture has been a popular subject, due to increasing wealth and a high interest in the individual as subject rather than the biblical. With the artistic intent to portray personality and mood, portraits can allow artists to show off their own unique style. “every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion” Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray From the classic figurative portrayal to the more abstract ways of representation the portraiture by Bluethumb artists are truly unique and wonderful.

Curated by Brooke Ainscow

76cm (W) x 101cm (H)


76cm (W) x 76cm (H)

Mixed Media

42cm (W) x 59.4cm (H)


122cm (W) x 182cm (H)


About the Curator

Brooke Ainscow

Brooke has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Monash University majoring in Printmedia. Disheartened in pursuing a career in printmaking she decided to further her studies in art history completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Art History and then going on to complete her Masters degree in Art Curatorship at The University of Melbourne. During her masters degree she undertook an internship here at Bluethumb and excelled in her major interests of Australian Indigenous art and cultural collection management.

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