UNMASKED - Tom Hermann

Bluethumb is proud to present Unmasked, an exhibition of new works by Adelaide portraitist Tom Hermann, and exclusive to Bluethumb. With a background in design, architecture and the health sciences, Tom creates high fidelity paintings which portray the rich and eclectic tapestry of daily lives. His realist works are created using traditional oil paints and techniques, in contrast to the throwaway nature of the modern digital image.
Unmasked takes a deep dive into the worlds of contemporary costume, otherwise known as Cosplay. He chooses subjects who are often marginalised by societal norms based on gender, race, sexuality, neurotype or ability. Through Cosplay they can choose how the world will see them on their terms. The lines of fiction and reality become blurred to reveal truth, as they mask and unmask their everyday identities.

Curated by Rachel Fisher

95.5cm (W) x 64.5cm (H)


43.5cm (W) x 53.5cm (H)


About the Curator

Rachel Fisher

Rachel is our Adelaide gallery manager, and curator. With a bachelors in arts and media and recently studying her masters in curatorial and museum studies, she has curated numerous exhibitions that celebrate diverse artistic voices. Rachel believes in the magic of art to spark conversations, challenge perspectives, and bring people together. Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the gallery scene, Rachel's goal is to make art accessible to all.

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