All my school life I wanted to paint, make jewelry, do cake decoration and design and sew my own clothes. My loving but practical parents wouldn’t let me study any of these at school. So guess what – as soon as I left I was in to all of them.
Marriage and children certainly led to the last three, but it wasn’t until my youngest went to school that I embarked on painting. Wow, did my creativity take off! I went mad with colour, flowers, landscapes and abstracts. Every time I picked up a brush I felt liberated and hours would pass without me even noticing it. As I moved from, Melbourne to Canberra to Port Moresby and back to Sydney, I took every painting course available.
I experimented wildly in a variety of styles that made ME feel good. I managed to sell a few here and there but never had enough confidence or money to stage my own exhibition. So I’ve decide to go for gold and join an on-line gallery.