Diane Dawson is an artist belonging to the Pitjantjatjara language and cultural group and lives in the remote community of Irruntyju (Wingellina), WA. Diane was born in Amata, SA and moved to Irruntyju to go to school. She has remained there working in the local art centre. Here she also paints the Minyma Kutjara story. Diane begun Tjanpi in 2016, when she attended a skills development workshop in Irrunytju. In this workshop, she made her first basket, a well-woven piece using Minarri grass and coloured raffia. Tjanpi Desert Weavers (Tjanpi meaning ‘wild grass’) is an award-winning, Indigenous governed and directed social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC). Tjanpi empowers over 400 women across a 350 000 square km area of the tri-state region of NT, SA and WA to earn an income and remain in their communties on Country.