Limited Edition of 7 + 2AP
This image was shown in the 2017 Copenhagen Photo Festival, Censored Exhibition; the National Portrait Gallery London for the 2016 Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize; was winner of the 2015 Life Framer “the human body” award; shortlisted for the Lensculture and Head On portrait prize and awarded second prize for the Fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne emerging artist award.
Artist Statement
"Death is dark to the mind. It cannot be reduced to the rational — neither thought, nor interpretation, nor even memories. It is through the expression of the inexpressible that art allows us to reach deep into our unconscious and touch this mystery”
- J. Earl Rogers
Our mortality is the universal commonality that connects all living life. When death enters our lives, it can evoke uncertainty, fear and a torrent of emotions. As a loved one prepares to die, we are confronted with the realisation that we must look forward, and yet the past collides with the future skewing it from view.