I've tried nearly every format of art there is over the years, pen and ink, water colours, digital art, you name it. None of them have really worked out for me. Its not that the results were particularly bad, there has always been something missing though. Definitely no "x" factor.
So it was no surprise to me when I decided to give spray paint a go that the results weren't really that interesting. I'd had an idea for a project so I got the colours and materials I was going to need. As I was working through the painting my heart started to sink. I realised it wasn't going to be what I had hoped for. The colours were all wrong and it didn't really mean anything. At least the paint smells nice though, I thought.
It was then that I noticed how the paint was dripping and the different colours were running down the board into each other. I've always liked dripping paint. Can't really explain why. Some urban graffiti artists specialise in it.
I looked at the drips that were forming and thought, well, in the right colours and maybe with some other elements added in I may be a able to make something I don't hate.
The results are what you see on Blue Thumb.