I have lived in Sydney for my whole life. As a young boy I loved to draw, but unlike the other kids that would copy Disney characters etc. I would sketch things that were either around me at the time or I may have had a thought in my mind which spilled out onto the page. For many years as an adult I created nothing at all, other than the very occasional piece with the kids. After a divorce from my first wife and after getting together with my current wife, she encouraged me to pursue the passion that I had for art. She bought me a sketch pad and some pencils and charcoals, shortly after we were on a cruise and the creativity returned and I loved it. As a tradesman my life has always been pretty safe but I have always felt that there is something else that I was meant to be doing. Art has no boundaries and it can take you to places that don't even exist at times. While I still have my business, I am making more time for my art.