Jeanette first created artworks in glorious, gloopy clay as a sanity pill while working in the rollicking world of advertising. A cold winter saw her move from her outdoor studio to a warmer spot inside, where she swapped her tools for pencils, pastels and charcoal. Now, after her first exhibition, her sculpture tools are gathering cobwebs!
As a people watcher and animal lover from way back, Jeanette makes these the main themes of her work. Of special interest are the eyes - truly the windows to the soul - and the life experiences etched on the faces of older subjects. Jeanette tries to capture the unusual, the quirky, the odd angle and sometimes the downright wacky in her works.
At different times, Jeanette has worked as a waitress, a teacher and lecturer, a public servant and a writer of simple English. More importantly, she is a mother, wife, grandmother, aunt and friend.
Jeanette dislikes litterers, cranky drivers, chickpeas and cockroaches. She loves her family, kindness, dogs and frogs, and her island home.