Kasia Fabijańska works predominantly in printmaking, drawing and mixed media focusing on the various things that relate humanity to nature whether they be personal, political or spiritual. Her landscapes, or compositions that include plants or animals may be realistic at first glance. Often on closer inspection they begin to reveal details that hint at the symbolic, metaphorical or metaphysical.
Kasia was born in Poland and spent her childhood growing up partly in Warsaw, partly in small rural villages, and later in Germany before arriving in Australia in 1986 with her family.
After completing a B.A. in Fashion Design (RMIT, Melbourne), it soon became apparent that the visual arts were the right path. After some years practising painting, her focus shifted to drawing and print. She returned to university to complete a Master in Visual Art in Printmedia at Monash University in 2012.
Kasia's practice now includes intaglio printmaking, drawing and mixed media. Copper plate etching, which is an intaglio technique, is the main method used in her prints. A copper plate is prepared with an acid resistant ground before a design is drawn, revealing the copper. The plate is etched with ferric chloride to create a recess in the plate where the metal was exposed. The plate is then cleaned, ink applied and passed through a printmaking press to print the image onto paper. Kasia has also incorporated photogravure and other printmaking techniques into her process. Some prints have several stages and use different processes to arrive at the final image.