Kate is an Intuitive Energy Worker come Artist, who has been working with energy for as long as she can remember. As a child, channelling the energy of people, places and situations was as native to her as it was to breathe. As an adult, Kate has been working as a Hands on Healer, Yoga and Meditation Teacher and Group Healing Facilitator full time since 2014. She started out channeling Reiki and today works with her own modality she has called Oneness Healing.
Kate paints from this energy. The artwork you are drawn to is an expression of that energy work, from the palms of Kates hands straight onto the canvas.
Kate's technique is unique and one she has developed over the last 6+ years. She uses thick body, high quality acrylic paints, splatted, stretched and squeezed between two canvases to create vibrant, detailed and 'alive' works. This technique allows Kate to paint 'blindly' from the palms of her hands, completely at chance, allowing the energies of the piece to speak for themselves.
When asked why she paints Kate says 'I never really thought of myself as an Artist but one day after guiding an energy treatment my palms were vibrating, pulsing with energy and I found myself asking the energy of my palms 'what do you desire and require to be?' It showed me - it wanted to be painted. I didn't have any paint brushes so I splattered the paint and folded the sheet over and used the palms of my hands to press the paint. Completely at the hands of chance. Incredible images appeared and I was hooked to say the least. Now years later and the art has become my greatest healing vessel for myself and others. Know that when you purchase a piece you are purchasing the healing that goes with it too.'
Kate's work is high grade acrylic paint on stretched canvas and can be commissioned for any colour grade.