'Know What You Want' is a statement about making a choice.
It's saying: "Decide".
Decide on a course of action, then stay true to your path❤
I drew the original quickly and decisively.
I picked a white china marker knowing that any line I laid down was impossible to erase off the black pastel pad I was working on.
So there was no going back, no second guessing, no wishy washy marks and no eraser that could "fix it" for me.
It was me asking more of myself. It was terrifying, but so very satisfying❤
This is a statement piece.
A reminder to find your own inner excellence, and to TRUST yourself!
Life is too short for mediocre.
Live full, luscious and extraordinary lives my friends!
P.s The original sold in 20min. The limited edition A3 size prints sold in 1 week.
This is my next release of a larger A2 size fine art print.
I can't stress how gorgeous & eye catching they are in person!
Buyers have purchased multiples for friends and family once seeing in person. I hope, if this piece speaks to you and you buy it, that you will fall in love with it too❤