December 14, 2022


Acrylic on canvas, stretched and ready to hang.
Signed certificate of authenticity.
The Kunja (Gunya) were an indigenous Australian people of the state of Queensland. ... territory Warrego River from Cunnamulla north to Augathella and Burenda.
Murra Murra & Bendee Downs
Cunnamulla lies furthest west on the Indigenous Cultural Trail. A small town surrounded by a distinctive landscape of deep red soil, flat clay-pans that become lakes in the wet season, and great white sand dunes that drift and merge into the edges of town. The people of Cunnamulla are strongly connected to this place. Both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal residents talk about its special qualities; a place that will always be home.
​Cunnamulla has a significant and rich Aboriginal history, and the Aboriginal community is an integral part of the town today. Aboriginal people in Cunnamulla can trace their families back to many different language groups of the region – the Badjiri, Budjeti, Kooma, Kunja, Mardigan and Muruwari. These diverse groups are connected to Cunnamulla through both customary exchanges and intermarriage, and colonial warfare and government polices of segregation and assimilation. Some Elders remember hearing the wailing of families forced into trucks and removed from their lands. Many were taken to missions and reserves like Cherbourg and Palm Island, hundreds and thousands of kilometres away. There are astonishing stories of people escaping these distant reserves and walking all the way home to Cunnamulla, such was their longing for family and country. Visitors can learn about the ways that Aboriginal people lived on, and cared for, country, by visiting nearby properties run and cared for by Aboriginal people