My love for art is something I believe I was born with.
Lana Zueva was born in Russia and moved to the amazing New Zealand in 2001 and then moved to the beautiful Australia in 2017.
For as long as I can remember, I was always carrying paper and paint with me wherever I went. Having studied and worked with various art mediums in the Russian Art School and many art workshops (which I still continue to take now, because you never stop learning!)
I found oil as my favorite medium!
I love oil because it carries energy and communicates the mood or feeling of a work the best. For me, the most important thing about art is its ability to enkindle a feeling and I find oil does that perfectly.
As an artist I get inspired very easily and I love painting things that inspire me. I enjoy painting portraits, still life, landscapes, animals, I enjoy it all!
Recently I started participating in exhibitions and started doing commission works.
I really hope my Art will bring as much joy to you as I get from painting it!