I began creating art early in life, drawing in the borders and pages of school notebooks in primary school, and also designed, wrote and created comics and illustrated short stories with a school friend. I make expressionist drawings, paintings, sculpture, digital art and photographs. My work is an outlet for emotion and thought. I draw inspiration from Leonardo DaVinci, Edvard Munch, Salvador Dali, Pro Hart, Norman Lindsay, Reg Mombassa & Ken Done. My work pays respect to and is influenced by these artists.I believe art can change the world, that life is art, and art is my life. I always enjoy opportunities to create.
In 2013, I attained a Diploma of Visual Art at Southbank Institute of Technology. This study was an attempt to take my artistic practice from the realm of hobby, into a more professional practice. I benefited from the instruction & support of masters from various fields ( such as painting, drawing, sculpture & digital art ) who had received acclaim & awards from around the world, & had exhibited internationally.
I currently reside in Brisbane, Queensland, but have lived in Townsville, Queensland ; Werribee, Victoria ; & attended my first three years of school in Queanbeyan, A.C.T. I have lived at various other locations in Queensland.