This tree stood at the river's edge at College's Crossing in Chuwar, near the Brisbane Water Supply pumping station at Mt Crosby. I stood looking into it one day and was amazed to see this tree spirit peering down at me. I swear I did nothing more in rendering it that picking out her eyes more clearly - the entire form of her was right there in the tree. Sadly this tree was later lost in flood, and she was swept away, perhaps all the way into Moreton Bay, where I fancy she floated to an island and is enjoying a castaway second life on an island beach, or perhaps collected by someone and used to build something beautiful... or maybe used to barbeque someone's weekend lunch!
I like to think that her image here is gentle and protective, as she certainly gave that air where she stood by that beautiful stretch of river.
Acrylics are great for working fast and layering, and require a different skillset to oil painting. I have not done very many acrylic works, but this one seemed to call for it, and the existence of the piece of nice illustration board (a rarity in art stores now!) seemed to fit the medium just right!.