Hi, my name is Mary (nick named Meggs by my dad), born and bred in Palmerston North, New Zealand, living in Wellington New Zealand for many years - then 'jumping ship' and coming to Australia 20 years ago. My life has been interesting to say the least, working in the Insurance industry for many years - selling Insurance, Mortgage finance - a very male dominated sector, finally achieving top in my field back in the 90's. My then husband was extremely unwell, having suffered a stroke, my own health deteriorated having major osteo arthritis, necessitating several hip replacements (6 in all). Husband unfortunately died and I ended up coming to Australia with my now husband Robert.
Robert and I have had a fantastically varied life here in Australia, managing Retirement Villages, (Cooking, contracting, caring for residents), relieving in Motels in parts of Australia and finally ending up here in Hervey Bay, Queensland, where we bought the lease on a small Motel. We sold this 4 years ago.
A good friend asked me what I was going to do in retirement after having being totally 'busy' for most of my life, I said - wouldn't have a clue ! She said, come with me to a painting group I attend, (at this point, I'm thinking, no thanks, not really interested, having never painted anything apart from a wall or skirting board !). So.... I bought myself a canvas, borrowed her paints and brushes for the first session, and we painted a beach scene ! Seriously, the convenor asked me how long I had been painting - I said 'tonight is my first night', NEVER. My friend said.... gosh that's pretty good, as did the convenor..... i was in total shock that I could even paint! My friend is a brilliant artist and has been painting on and off for many years. So.... off I went, my friend and I continued on with the Convenor for a short while, then began painting by ourselves twice weekly, she introduced me to oil painting (she loves water colours, I don't haha ). The rest is pretty much history, I am totally self taught - belong to Hervey Bay Art Society, don't attend that often, as hubby has been unwell, but is now on the mend.
I just absolutely love painting - my 'go to' when stressed - but just paint for the love of it. Hubby and I have started travelling in our motorhome with good friends, so I take a lot of photo's to be used as reference for future paintings.
I'm thinking my main focus is landscape, but have attempted portraiture (I love that) and now still life - utilising pallet knife - and brush. I have done a few commissions - phew - still can't believe people like my paintings !!
Enjoy ! I do have a facebook page (thank you to my son), Mary Preston Art, please feel free to look at that too.