This is a new series that is dedicated to the treasure found under foot.
A trio that encapsulates the beauty in things fallen.
As an artist I am fascinated with looking closely at the natural treasure we often take for granted.
Whether it is a plant growing by itself up through the cracks in the pavement or flowering vines at the back of alleyways of fallen foliage under the cover of trees.
I love to highlight the flowers and foliage that get forgotten as we rush by.
Observing nature from angles that we overlook in our everyday lives.
This series focuses on the familiar natural discards that have fallen to lay on the ground. It might be after a storm like these pods on broken branches left on the ground. Nature imprinted and overlaid in her many layer and stages.
It is often the patterns and textures that nature creates that catch my eye.
These pieces are all drawn with my signature black ink and fountain pen brought to life with bursts of vibrant colour immortalising the subject before it blows away.
The interior shots may not be to exact scale but are provided for inspiration.
This piece will come to you in a black box frame with white mounting card and perspex cover.
As always there is a small discount for keeping the trio together.
I hope you enjoy these pieces as much as idid creating them.