Its much harder for me to talk about my art than it is to paint ;)
Words come later, images and the joy I experience when I paint comes first.
I sometimes think about my work as a maze. I go into long winded paths of discovery, I dive deep into a subject but I follow tangents too. They sometimes lead to dead ends yet other times bring about the most wonderful discoveries.
Ive learned not to give up too soon. Is almost a scientific approach: establishing outcomes through testing and experimentation; making observations, predictions and most importantly analysing the results.
I work in collections. I explore a subject until I feel like its ran its course. I paint in tied palette that I almost always mix myself, colour mixing and creating my own colours is a big part of my prep work. My palette oscillates between earthy tones, dark moody ones and blue, the colour that I seem to be gravitating towards in recent months. As Van Gogh said "There is no blue without yellow and orange", therefore I also incorporate those two, its a must!