This photographic series, titled 'Florallegory II', represents the interconnection between humankind and the natural world. It draws parallels between human beings and plant life on earth through such qualities as resilience, transience, beauty and wonder.
Drawing inspiration from floral still-lives and rites of adornment, these portraits use actual blooms and foliage as gentle allegories for the complexity of the human-flora relationship.
Each artwork was created using a mixture of photographic and digital processes. A digital print of an analogue portrait was made, and then photographed again, overlaid with various blooms and foliage.
*Available as a 42x60 cm fine art photography print.
*Also available in other sizes . Please get in touch with Natalie for further details on available sizes
*Limited edition of 20 prints.
Unframed and un-matted, you are purchasing the print only.
Limited edition, signed and numbered on the back and a certificate of authenticity supplied.
Digitally printed on Canson Platine Fibre Rag Giclée Paper.
Each print includes a white border on all sides
Frame not included.
Shipped in a sturdy postal tube.
Each work is printed to order. Please allow 5-7 business days for printing, plus shipping.