When I was little, somebody asked me once:
“What would you like to be when you grow up?”
“Can I be anything?”
“Well, yes”
“Then I’d like to be a Unicorn”
“That’s silly, you can’t be something that doesn’t exist”
I never wanted to be a Unicorn again.
It wasn’t until we had our daughter that I realised that that you don’t have to take every thought or dream literally.
The reason I love Unicorns is that they represent the existence of magic, are colourful and generally make people smile (and potentially fart glitter).
When I wanted to be a Unicorn, what I really wanted was to be kind, to make people smile and to believe that this world can be a magical place.
So I guess my point here and why there is a representation of a unicorn horn in this piece , firstly is that your dreams and what you find inspiring doesn't have to make sense to anyone else but you.
And secondly, don't always take life so literally!
This piece is layered acrylics, including metallic touches and finished off with a high gloss resin coat.
Thank you for taking time to view my art.
Nona xoxoxo