2023, 22 & 21 - Bluethumb Art Prize Finalist.
I'm about the narrative. I want my images to unfold… invite you to explore.
My recent work explores communities. I’m fascinated with the conversation between architecture, pop iconography and human development; in particular, the desire for companionship and the narratives and assumptions we make purely from our observations.
Coming from a design background, using ink, markers, airbrush, palette knives and conventional brushes. I strive to engage with a restricted palette, simplified imagery and by 'flipping' tropes and cliches.
To give you a brief background, my wife and I currently work as full time Artists in our studios in beautiful Port Douglas. I’ve spent most of my professional career working in television and print media as an editor, camera operator and graphic designer. Much of this has been based out of the U.K., working and travelling with my amazing wife, Cheryl, an insanely talented professional artist of more than 25 years. She opened my eyes to Antoni Tapes, Ben Nicholson, Ralph Steadman, Cy Twombly and John Olsen, the list is endless and the experiences are priceless. I can credit her for encouraging me to take my musings more seriously and stepping out of the shadows - have a squizz at her BT profile Cheryl Harrison MA!
So, I hope you enjoy my paintings. They are meticulously executed and are of a quality that will hold their own in any space, contact me if you have any questions.