Priyanka Kaur and Avneet Singh, two artists have collaborated to create a series of artworks based on their shared interests, creative vision, and simply their desire to feature the beauty of nature and the strength of women.
Priyanka and Avneet believe that art can be a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment, and their mission is to inspire women to embrace their inner strength and beauty.
They actively volunteer their time and donate proceeds from the art to organisations working for animal conservation and women's empowerment, both causes very close to their hearts.
Whether you're a nature lover, art collector, or simply looking to add a beautiful and empowering piece to your home or office, we invite you to explore our collection and discover the beauty and power of nature and women.
Priyanka Kaur (art by priyanka) is an abstract artist, and especially enjoys working with inks and resin. Priyanka is self taught and has been creating art for over 5 years. Her work is bright, spontaneous and fluid; which relays her joyous and magnetic personality. She finds her inspiration from the natural elements, especially water and earth.
Avneet Singh (avsinghart) is primarily an animal illustrator. After obtaining a UK college qualification in art, he graduated from university as a veterinary surgeon. Avneet is a dedicated animal artist, drawing from the age of 2. While visually the animal and natural world is expressed through Avneet's work, fundamentally his work represents joy, life and positive energy (spiritually known as 'chardi kala' in the Sikh religion).