I am an artist and writer living in Warrnambool, Victoria. .
I work mainly with acrylics on canvas, using layers of paint to create depth and texture, sometimes scratching back the top layer to reveal a bit of what's beneath.
I attempt to capture the moments that make up a life -- that first morning cup of tea, the warmth of a wood fire on a cold day, conversations with friends, the beauty of a vase of flowers or a bowl of fruit. As I work I try to maintain a sense of appreciation for the beauty and chaos of humanity and the world we inhabit.
Dorothy Sayers wrote that for people who create "periods of creative activity are those in which they feel right with themselves and the world" and that is true in my experience. But it's not only in the creation of art that we can experience this -- when we connect with a piece of art there's a tangible sense of all being 'right' with the world too. For a moment we are pulled out of ourselves as we recognise something true or beautiful or confronting. Even if it's just the perfect combination of colours on a canvas. Life sinks away. Time stops. I guess that's partly why we love art. It's the gift of a brief and blessed relief from our personal worries and concerns, the gift of immersion in something apart from ourselves.