Hi there! My name is Rebecca Johnson and I'm a 21 year old artist in central Queensland.
I began making art when I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I wasn't able to go to high school often so I tyrned my focus to creating music and art. I loved portraiture especially!
I started studying for a diploma in fine art when I turned 18 and am grateful for the options to study online and part time.
I had to tame some time off from study when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and found my art rapidly changing. I became much more expressionistic and painted furiously. I hope to one day be brave enough to share those pieces publicly.
I work in many mediums and am still trying to find my happy place in amongst all the different types of art I love. I work a lot in gouache, acrylic, oils and embroidery!
I hope to make art a profession and am so grateful you took the time to look at my profile! I hope you're well <3