My work is concerned with nature, natural processes and significance of selected flora, hlping people to reconnect with natural environment. I created Xanthorrhoea resinosa (grass tree) during my residency at Bilpin International Ground for Creative Initiatives (BigCi), Blue Mountains region. I had the privilege to research and work with local bush tucker plants on the beautiful BigCi property, adjacent to Woolemi National Park. I am eager to learn about local plants, use them, and share my passion for nature and photography with audiences.
Xanthorrhoea, for example, can be used for drink made from nectar; edible parts include flowers, rhizomes, seeds and bases of leaves (Caton & Hardwick, 2016).
Lumen prints are created by direct contact of plant matter with black and white photographic paper exposed to sunlight. This process results in 'photograms' of the plants. Long exposures allow for alchemic reactions and traces within photographic emulsion, as well a sense of movement, due to the changing direction of sunlight over a period of time.