Even before I could start writing letters or numbers, I would sketch and make symbols. From my childhood I was always facinated by shapes and its geometry and how nature had some sort of patterns hidden everwhere. As far as I can remember I have always been making art. From making potrait of my mum to making small statues from household utensils. I was born in Nepal, a land gifted with nature which I believe the inner artist in me. I was self taught by working in different and new mediums.
For me making a piece of art an artist goes on a journey and discover a part of himself and I want to share this journey with every viewers. I am excited about the power and magic an art has and I try to capture my own unique perception of the moment and sharing it with others. I believe that every thing has its woth story to tell and stories are the things that make us.
I seek inspiration in light and shadows, in emotions, sound. From landscape and people.