I studied Fine Arts, Education and Special Education in South Africa. In 2009 I migrated to Australia. I currently live in Brisbane‚ where I work as an inclusion teacher ( deputy principal). I'm married‚ and I have three adult children . I also have three lovely grandchildren . I work mainly in acrylic, however, I also love working in watercolour and pencil. I enjoy making ceramic sculptures and although I have been trained in using the potter's wheel, I prefer a free style approach to ceramics.
Usually my initial ideas take on a life of their own, once I start painting or drawing. I love the way my artworks speak to me and find their own voice in the process. Often I'm surprised by the end product, as it ends up very different from my initial idea, which I love. Recently, I have also started making fabric and polymer clay jewellery, which I love! I am inspired by the colour and vibrancy of Africa, as can be seen in most of my work. I love painting animals and people‚ but I paint anything really‚ it depends on what I feel inspired by at the time. I want my art to make people happy. I paint to reflect my love of life.